Can You Have A Home Care Package And NDIS Plan?

March 15, 2023
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and Home Care Packages (HCPs) programs are both designed to provide support for Australians to maintain their quality of life, including continuing to live at home if they choose to. However, there are some key differences between these two Australian Government supports, and you may be wondering, can you have a home care package and NDIS plan? In this guide, we’ll uncover all you need to know about both plans and whether you can receive both.
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Can you have a Home Care Package and NDIS plan?
The short answer is: No. You cannot have both a Home Care Package and NDIS plan.
Government funding and assistance programs can be confusing, and many of them seem to overlap in the types of support they provide. Both the NDIS and HCP are designed to help Australians to receive the types of support they need to continue living at home, whether living with a disability or getting older and needing some extra help. Their key differences are in their eligibility criteria and income assessment/means testing. Your income will not affect your eligibility for either program, however, the level of funding and whether you’re required to contribute will differ depending on the program you qualify for.
The NDIS: Is designed for Australians, between the ages of 7 and 65, living with a disability. However, if you’re already enrolled with the NDIS, you may continue your NDIS plan after you turn 65.
The Home Care Package: Is designed for those over the age of 65 who need some extra support either at home or in an aged care facility.
Still confused? Let’s discuss both Home Care Packages and the NDIS, for more clarity.
What is a Home Care Package?
Under My Aged Care, the Australian Government provides assistance through the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) and Home Care Packages (HCPs). Where the CHSP is designed for more basic support, those with more complex needs may require a Home Care Package.
As we get older, many of us will require a bit of extra support to live safely and maintain our quality of life. If, like many Australians, you would prefer to continue living in your own home rather than a residential aged care facility, a Home Care Package can help.
A Home Care Package is designed to offer subsidised services to assist you in remaining living in your own home (or with family). The types of things covered by funding from a HCP will differ from person to person, but may include:
- Equipment such as a walking frame or feeding support
- Home modifications such as bathroom rails or ramps
- Domestic assistance with household tasks
- Personal care such as grooming, showering, toileting, and more
- Companionship and support to access your community
- Clinical care and allied health services
For more details, read our blog post: Can You Have A Home Care Package And NDIS Plan?
To qualify for a Home Care Package under My Aged Care, you must be over the age of 65. Although your income will not restrict your eligibility for a Home Care Package, you may be subject to an income assessment from Services Australia and may be required to contribute to the cost of services provided, if you have the means to.
To apply for a Home Care Package, you can visit the website, or have a friend or family member do so on your behalf. You may also be referred by a GP or hospital. Although the funding for HCPc is provided by the government, you will be able to choose which service provider/s you use. You can find out more about Home Care Packages from Care For Family here.
What is the NDIS and how does it differ from a Home Care Package?
The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) was established in 2013 and is designed to ensure that Australians living with a disability can access the care they need, regardless of their income, circumstances, or type of disability.
The NDIS has a strong foundation based on providing independence and assistance with achieving goals for those living with a disability. For this reason, your NDIS plan will be developed alongside you based on your needs and the goals you have for your life. The NDIS will then provide support, in the form of funding, for services that support these needs and goals. Funding can cover the cost of similar things to HCPs, including:
- Home modifications that relate to your disability
- Domestic assistance such as cooking and cleaning
- Personal care including grooming, toileting, and showering
- Companionship and access to the community
- Transport to make it to and from appointments
- Nursing care, and more
The NDIS is not means tested and your income will not affect access to NDIS services. The NDIS is available for those between the ages of 7 and 65. However, if you are already enrolled in the NDIS before turning 65, you may continue to receive NDIS funding (see more about NDIS funding after turning 65 here: NDIS Age Limit). For children younger than seven, the government offers different types of support. For those over the age of 65, My Aged Care services such as CHSP and HCPs are available.
The key difference between NDIS and Home Care Packages: The NDIS is designed to assist those between 7 and 65 (so includes younger people) living with a disability, while HCPs are for Australians over the age of 65 who require assistance to continue living in their own home.
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Do I need an NDIS or Home Care Package?
For more information about whether you require an NDIS plan or Home Care Package, you can visit the NDIS website and My Aged Care website, or contact our team at Care For Family. We can help you to navigate your eligibility and discover what types of services are available to you under these schemes.
You may also be interested in reading our blog post: How to Choose a Home Care Package Provider Near You
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